Public Service Announcements 101
is an educational process in which students research serious topics regarding the health and well being of our community, utilize design elements, develop stronger computer and writing skills, and learn about the services available in their community. This work provides them an opportunity to build a greater knowledge-base and expand their understanding of the world around them. Students take seriously their role in providing outreach to inform the public of available services...
Examples of public service announcements:
Examples of public service announcements:
My Name is Abigail
Don't Burn OutGoodbye TobaccoDomestic Violence Intervention PSA ad 2017 |
"Don't be Deflated"
"Watch the Signs"
Fear the Rainbow
"Forgotten Weekend"
"A Sad Christmas"
"Rx Drugs are not a Game"
"Genie in a Bottle"
"Rx Drugs are for sick people"
"The Answer is No!"
Distracted Driving I-80
"No Butts About It"
"Side Effects"
Nevada State Rx Drug PSA contest winner, 2nd Place 2015
"Red Solo Cup"
Distracted Driving
Cinderella's Closet
"The Roads Where Icy"
Larry E. Dummy
"Love Shouldn't Hurt"
Distracted Driving #1