Thank You For Your Interest In And Support of Channel 14 K14KQ
This is what you can help make happen with a grant contribution of $500 to $10,000:
Our current priorities are...
1. Tech Trips NV - Tech Trips NV is a documentary series based around various historical and interesting Nevada sites. The students research the history and retell the stories that have placed these locations on the map for today's explorer. Through a series of several episodes, the crew plans to work on this project for the next couple of years. Donating to the Tech Trips NV fund will help cover travel expenses, props, wardrobe, and other production costs.
Episode 1 of Tech Trips NV is a documentary about Fort Churchill. We have filmed and reenacted several different aspects surrounding the development of the fort. Currently, the production crew is working on the editing part of the production, making it into a single film. This episode has taught students how to work as a cooperative team and how to take on leadership roles since each was in charge of a different piece of the production.
2. Scholarships - Educational opportunity is the spirit that drives Channel 14. The broadcast mission is to provide scholarship to students who have excelled in the program as a reward for years of study, hard work, and productivity. These scholarships will be gifted to them so that they may pursue a higher education at a college of choice. In order to qualify for a scholarship, students must meet the requirements identified in the attached document. These scholarship awards will range in amounts between $500-$5000, depending on student merit and available funds. Your generosity in this domain will make a difference in the lives of student recipients.
To make a grant from your Community Foundation Donor Advised Fund, call Lauren Renda at 775-333-5499 or go to